Ever since I began photographing weddings almost two decades ago, I've had the privilege of experiencing the happiest of days with my clients. From first-birthday parties to family reunions, I am always honored to have been asked to capture such precious moments. This session was a reunion between two sisters – one flew in all the way from Iceland! They were adorable together in their matching pink dresses. And, they loved each other so!
Rock Star or Future Scientist! / Eastern Market Children's Photographer
This two-year-old is destined for greatness. She was savvy, stylin' and silly. We had a great time stomping (literally) around Eastern Market in Washington, DC for this family portrait session. I hope you enjoy some of the images from this session. Can you feel the two-year-old energy?!
Newborn and Almost Two-Years Old! * Bethesda Family Photographer
The past few months for this family have been jam packed with excitement – a quick sale of a DC home and a move out to Maryland; plus, a baby boy who arrived more than a month early! But, they look like they've just been to the spa – adorable and refreshed! I loved seeing the boys in their element. They are so precious. I can tell already that they are going to be close buddies as they grow up together. I hope you enjoy some of my favorites from this session.
Loving Brothers * Potomac Children's Photographer
These brothers warmed my heart with the way they loved each other. They also reminded me so much of my own boys! I enjoyed the time we spent together, and tried to select the moments that best captured their essence for this blog post. I loved the beautiful natural light in their home! So, we went outside just briefly toward the end of the session to capture the green, almost-summer, landscape. I hope you enjoy some of the images from their session.