These brothers warmed my heart with the way they loved each other. They also reminded me so much of my own boys! I enjoyed the time we spent together, and tried to select the moments that best captured their essence for this blog post. I loved the beautiful natural light in their home! So, we went outside just briefly toward the end of the session to capture the green, almost-summer, landscape. I hope you enjoy some of the images from their session.
Spring Photo Session with Super Sisters * Chevy Chase Family Photographer
I have to say, I experienced more than a little bit of blog-anxiety after reviewing this session -- I could not narrow my selection down! On my first run through I selected over 45 images to blog. That would have been quite a post! I've included only half here, and wonder if I might still post the other 20 images. These sisters were wonderful, and this family is so beautiful. I was so glad to see them again and thrilled to meet their new addition. I hope you enjoy some of the images from this session.
Spring in DC * Chevy Chase Baby Photographer
I met this beautiful family on a truly lovely morning. The buds had finally opened on our local trees and everyone was happy to be outside! The natural light inside and out reflected the beauty I saw in this little boy's eyes. He had the cutest little smiles and bright eyes! Such a sweet family with amazing style! I'm so pleased to share a few images from this session with you!
Growing Family * DC Maternity and Family Photographer
Spring is here and so is a renewed energy for everyone! I had a fun time capturing some of that energy during this early spring photo session. I loved meeting this family and getting to know their little boy. He adores books and trucks, and we ran and played in his home and out. I can't wait to meet his little brother due in May!