Small World With Two-Year-Old Boys! * Chevy Chase Family Photographer

Much to my surprise, I actually knew this little cutie before we met for our session. We had bumped into each other in a Barnes and Noble at the children's section train table! My two-year-old son and he had the same shoes on (and probably wanted the same choo-choo to play with, too)! It was a lovely surprise to see him again, and to have the opportunity to catch his bright blue eyes in these images. His family was warm and lovely and I'm so pleased with their gallery. I hope you enjoy a few of my favorites below.Chevy_Chase_Family_Photographer-3Chevy_Chase_Family_Photographer-4Chevy_Chase_Family_Photographer-6Chevy_Chase_Family_Photographer-7Chevy_Chase_Family_Photographer-1Chevy_Chase_Family_Photographer-5Chevy_Chase_Family_Photographer-8