'Tis the Season * DC Family Holiday Photographer

It's time for holiday cards! I just love this time of year when I get to see my clients' images transformed from memories to messages. I'm like a kid in a candy store with all the gorgeous designs offered by some of today's online card vendors and printers. Lori Love Photography is an affiliate studio with Tiny Prints, and I love working magic with their beautiful layouts. It's so hard to choose the final product. Here are just a few of the options for my clients. I hope you enjoy them!

Bright and Bold!holiday_card_two

Trifold Front and Inside Layout


Spot on, front and back!


What It's All About * Maryland Lifestyle Family Photographer

In many ways, this session reminds me of the reasons why I became a photographer. This family won my session at a fundraiser-auction run by a family whose son has Cri-du-chat Syndrome. The proceeds of the auction went to the 5P Society. And, although my schedule is very full, I found that it gave me great joy to make room in my calendar for this session. In my earliest days as a photographer, I wanted to create images that made people feel and that helped families hold onto the beauty in life that is so often fleeting. Donating to this auction helped me feel and remember the beauty of the human spirit. The parents in this family gave generously, and it was my pleasure to meet them and capture their family's unique vibrance. I hope you enjoy some of their images. Fall_Holiday_Session_11Fall_Holiday_Session_17Fall_Holiday_Session_13Fall_Holiday_Session_4Fall_Holiday_Session_10Fall_Holiday_Session_8Fall_Holiday_Session_9 Fall_Holiday_Session+14Fall_Holiday_Session_5Fall_Holiday_Session_18Fall_Holiday_Session_16Fall_Holiday_Session_2Fall_Holiday_Session_15Fall_Holiday_Session_7Fall_Holiday_Session_12

Holiday Card Session Time! * DC Child Photographer

This is the second time this year I've been able to spend a Sunday morning with this beautiful family. I have to say, I love, love, love seeing how big my "little" clients get. This little one was only 8 months old the last time I saw her, and she is turning into a little lady already. We ran, played, and shivered a bit on this crisp day. But, I just love how the images turned out. I hope you enjoy them as well! Christmas_Card_Photographer_2Christmas_Card_Photographer_5Christmas_Card_Photographer_9Christmas_Card_Photographer_4Christmas_Card_Photographer_8Christmas_Card_Photographer_1Christmas_Card_Photographer_10Christmas_Card_Photographer_7